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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Production Update

Thanks to everyone who sent in their pictures and resumes and links to their work. Got sooooo many responses, so much more than I was really expecting. There is much to sort through and many details I have to work out, so bare with me if you haven't heard from me just yet. I'm going to hold auditions, but I don't know if it will even be within this or next month. So many more details I have to juggle than first expected, but I am happy to have so many offers of help.

I'll keep posting updates on what's what here. Just so everyone knows, the actual productions are going to be as follows. We will do one Monster Cops short which will not be paying and then a Monster Cops feature which will be paying. I will be utilizing the short as a way to kind of get to know what people and resources I can use for the feature as well as another example of something to show investors and sponsors for the feature.

Again thank you to everyone and I hope to speak to many of you soon.

- Patrick

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