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Thursday, June 3, 2010


Originally Posted at Freddy In Space. Posting here, because the word needs to be spread:

A few days ago, HorrorHound Magazine editor-in-chief Nathan Hanneman lost his 34 year old sister Angela to cancer. I know most of you probably didn't know Angela and you probably don't know Nathan either, but that's neither here nor there. The horror community is truly one big family and Nathan and his family could use our help to pay for his sister's funeral expenses - obviously, her being so young, no money was set aside for such a horrible thing. If you would like to help one of our own in the horror family, there's a few ways you can go about it.

- Donate via Paypal to

- Call/E-mail the John H. Evans Funeral Home directly to make payment: (513) 831-3172 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (513) 831-3172      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or

- If you'd like to send a card or a check, drop me an e-mail at and i'll shoot you over Nate's address

If you're a bit low on cash, nobody's gonna fault you. You can still help out by spreading the word on this and by reposting this information on your own blog or website, if you have one.

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