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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Monster Cops: Shadow Company update

The short/episode that we've been working on for the past few months, Monster Cops: Shadow Company is finally completed. Edited to a final cut, QC'd (quality control, that's what that means. ;)) and is ready to be burned to DVD and submitted to screenings and fests. I hope to get copies to those involved. The overall short/episode is 24 minutes.

I'll be taking a small break from shooting, but then we go right into the next Monster Cops project, a 5 to 6 minute short called Monster Cops: Dead By Dawn. This one I hope to have monster filled as you may have geussed if you read previous postings on One Spartan.

Ooh I'm excited for people to see this last one. Even more excited to show you this next one.

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