We went through alot last year, and in some ways we're still going through it. I didn't make the top 10 on Our Stage, and I can bitch and moan about production work and having to start from scratch, or how I don't have this or that, or whatever.
The truth is my home and city was not taken away from me by a Hurricane. The truth is I am not living in poverty. The truth is my loved ones are safe and for the most part happy. The truth is I don't have to spend everyday worrying about stepping on a land mine on my way to school, or worry about a car bomb going off in my neighborhood. I am not trapped in a mine nor do I have loved ones who are trapped in mines. I didn't lose anyone to a school shooting. I didn't lose anyone to a bridge collapse. I haven't lost my job (yet) and I'm not in danger of losing my job, and I don't have to spend every waking moment worrying about how to provide for my family, at least not in that way. I'm not stuck in a desert fighting a war. I don't have cancer or diabetes (that I know of.)
My wife, myself and my family can mourn the loss of a loved one to Cancer. It kills me to see my wife in pain when she cries about how much she misses her mother. But the truth is, as sad as it all is, Brenda has moved on, she is free from her pain. There are many out there who are in the middle of the process still. They're loved ones still in pain, the family still suffering watching a parent or child suffer from a disease or medical emergency. There are some people who don't get to mourn. Just as sad, there are families out there who are missing loved ones, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, not knowing where they are. The thousands of people, children that go missing without a trace, and the families nowhere near to closure.
For the most part I am alive, breathing, healthy. I have a roof over my head and although I can very easily (and often do) complain about what I don't have and what I might need, I do have all my limbs. I have a head on my shoulders and a brain in my head and I have all that I need to achieve the things that I don't. I have friends who care, a family that loves me, and a wife I can come home to. I have a car that may not have air conditioning that works very well, but at least I can drive it to a job I may not like, but at least I have. All my family and friends are accounted for. And life in general is not as bad as it may seem sometimes.
I can complain about whatever, but there are so many more people on this earth that have it way worse than me. I thank God for where I'm at now and what I have achieved, and although I have my problems to worry about, at least I can say that I like the problems that I have. I'd rather be worrying about how to make my next movie, than how I'm going to survive a dreaded disease, or if I'm even going to survive the next day. I have so many chances and opportunities that others do not, and I am thankful for all of it.
To the men and women serving for our freedom overseas and everywhere. To the Cops, the officers, the paramedics, the firemen. To the victims of Katrina in Louisiana and Mississippi and all those affected by it even two years after. To all those suffering due to disaster or weather throughout the south, the midwest, and everywhere else. To the vicims and victim's families in Utah, Virginia, and Minneapolis. To all those suffering from tragic events, murder, suicide, rape, crime. To all those fighting for their lives and the lives of others. To all those working to make a difference in the face of disaster and suffering. To my country, to the world all over, and all of us now existing, trying, living, and overcoming disease, opression, racism, corruption, and the pain that comes with just being a humanbeing. My heart and my prayers and every bit of positivity I can muster I send to you all everywhere no matter where you are.
And to the powers that be and the Universe in general, I thank you for my life and my problems. And although I do complain at times, I am also grateful just for the fact that I am alive to do so. Thank you for it all and bring help and support to those who need it so much more than I.
Give me numbers.
I don't know numbers. You give them to me.
How about a child born this minute has one in five chance of being born into
How many Americans don't have health insurance?
44 million.
What's the number one cause of death for black men under 35?
How many Americans are behind bars?
Three million.
How many Americans are drug addicts?
Five million.
And one of five kids in poverty?
That's 13 million American children. 3.5 million kids go to schools that are literally falling apart. We need 127 billion in school construction, and we need it today!
To say nothing of the 53 people trapped in the embassy.
You know, if you don't want to run again, I respect that. [stands up] But if you don't run 'cause you think it's gonna be too hard or you think you're gonna lose - well, God, Jed, I don't even want to know you.
Mrs. Landingham walks out and gently closes the Oval Office door behind her.
Season 2, Episode 22 "TWO CATHEDRALS"
- Patrick A. Prejusa
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Our Stage Quarter Finals
Vote for Monster Cops to win this month of August. Winner will be chosen Saturday September 1st.

Thanks to everyone who voted for us last month and for all the support. It means alot.
- P
Thanks to everyone who voted for us last month and for all the support. It means alot.
- P
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Thank You
Thank you to everyone that texted and voted. We did not win the grand prize, but more importantly we helped spread the word about our little indie movie. Thanks to everyone who showed there support for the flick. It means alot to me. I'm very happy to have found so many people that support this project. I appreciate all of you.
Feel free to continue to tell people about our movie. Visit our official site at
You can get the DVD as well as download the movie for rent or to own at
You can even find out more about hosting your own screening at
Thank you so much for helping us in our quest to make movies independently and raise money for cancer charities.
- Patrick
Feel free to continue to tell people about our movie. Visit our official site at
You can get the DVD as well as download the movie for rent or to own at
You can even find out more about hosting your own screening at
Thank you so much for helping us in our quest to make movies independently and raise money for cancer charities.
- Patrick
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
So thank you to everyone who received that last email and voted in. Apparently it worked because WE MADE #1 IN THE TRAILERS CATEGORY. Now for the next 24 hours the TEXT VOTING begins and the text votes will decide what category wins. In this case we're hoping the trailers category wins. If we win that's $5,000.00 for our indie making efforts.
See the full list of number ones in video here: http://www.ourstage.com/judge?genre=video
So don't stop now. Help us out and text: trailer01 to 78243
Again text trailer01 to 78243.
Fair warning, it's 50 cents per text, so if ya aint got it, I won't be mad at ya. But if you can, then by all means please do so, and tell everyone you know who might care to do so.
Again thank you all for helping out and showing support. Let's see if we can win this thing. THANK YOU!
- Patrick
See the full list of number ones in video here: http://www.ourstage.com/judge?genre=video
So don't stop now. Help us out and text: trailer01 to 78243
Again text trailer01 to 78243.
Fair warning, it's 50 cents per text, so if ya aint got it, I won't be mad at ya. But if you can, then by all means please do so, and tell everyone you know who might care to do so.
Again thank you all for helping out and showing support. Let's see if we can win this thing. THANK YOU!
- Patrick
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